HVOF RiTech® – Robotically Integrated Technology

Valv - RITech

Robotically Integrated Technology for High-Performance Valves.


ValvTechnologies has long been focused on providing the best metal seated isolation valves to ensure our customers receive the highest level of safety, reliability, and performance. The expansion of our existing in-house coating capabilities, specifically the purchasing of two additional state-of-the-art robotically integrated high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spray booths, allows us the ability to continue this trend and positions the organization to optimize product flow and quality and meet high production demands.

Our leading-edge HVOF team has developed a proprietary compressive spray technique resulting in higher bond strengths. This proprietary process is called RiTech®, or Robotically Integrated Technology. RiTech® allows for exceptional quality control and shortened lead times, so customers enjoy quick turnaround and an even longer-lasting product.

ValvTechnologies leads the industry with our unparalleled in-house coating capabilities. By continually improving and upgrading equipment, we’ve ensured that our products are manufactured to the highest level of quality and reliability as required not only by ValvTechnologies, but each customer we serve. Additionally, this investment in new technology, machines, and staff allows us the unmatched capability of bringing HVOF entirely in-house, thus reducing lead times and significantly increasing quality. This commitment to improvement allows us to build firm partnerships with customers and confidently meet their requirements on time and within budget.

HVOF RiTech® Product brochure





