ValvTechnologies is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate social responsibility in its business activities. It strongly believes that it has a responsibility for promoting ethical and lawful employment practices.
It is ValvTechnologies’ policy to:
- Behave with honesty and integrity in all our activities and relationships with others and reject bribery and corruption in all its forms
- Respect the rights and dignity of every employee and treat them fairly, without discrimination and offer clear and fair terms of employment and provide resources to enable their continual development
- Respect and support internationally recognized human rights standards wherever we operate and seek to ensure non-complicity in human right abuses
- Forbid, eliminate and not be complicit in the use of forced or child labor and human trafficking within our business.
- Identify, assess and manage human rights risks within our served industries and activities, working firstly to avoid or mitigate them and seek to remedy any actual or potential impacts
- Assist in the development of local community programs where we operate, in consultation with all interested parties
- Encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt responsible business policies and practices to prevent modern day slavery, child labor and human trafficking within their business
- Ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place for those affected by our operations to raise grievances
- Ensure all policies and business practices are communicated to all employees and other interested parties, working on ValvTechnologies’ behalf, through appropriate notices, website, briefings, onboarding and training
- Regularly reviewing business performance and continuous improvement through the setting, achieving of quality objectives and targets which are linked to customer satisfaction and cascaded throughout ValvTechnologies.