
Would you specify a valve that will have a significant leak after one year in service?  If not, then what specifications do you use?

The typical valve standard, FCI 70-2 Class V  when applied to a 4″, ASME / ANSI Class 1500 valve, allows a valve to leak 608 gallons per year.  If most valves are allowed to leak that much when new, then imagine how much a typical valve leaks after one year!

ValvTechnologies’ guarantees zero-leakage for four years for valves used in the power industry which can significantly lower cost of ownership. All other valves used in the power industry have a defined leakage rate. ValvTechnologies tests every valve made according to ASME procedures.  However, we toughen the standard to zero-leakage on both water and gas. Our standard is zero drops and zero bubbles guaranteed.